Friday, April 6, 2012

Four months old

Four months old. I can't believe how fast it goes. But at the same time I don't remember life without my little Charlotte.

We went to her four month checkup yesterday. She was 12 pounds 13 ounces and 25 inches. She was 33th percentile for weight and 75th for height. She is a tall girl!!

I need to be better and writing down stuff that she does so here is goes.

Things she loves to do...

Being outside
Going for walks in the Bjorn
Playing on the floor (especially if mom or dad watch her)
Smiling and laughing (more of a chuckle at this point)
Rolling over (except once she is stuck on her tummy she gets mad)
Babbling (she loves the sound of her own voice)
Reaching out and grabbing toys, especially her singing turtle and my face
Getting her diaper changed and being naked
Riding in the car...most of the time
Sucking on her hands and clothes
Sitting in my lap and playing with my hands (I think I like this more than she does)
Her binky...not sure how I feel about this one
"Flying baby"
Being rocked to sleep
Listening to stories (not sure she really cares but I like reading to her so we'll say she likes it)
And above all else... her milk!

She is so alert and loves to hear new noises and follow every movement with her eyes. She is starting to try to sit up and gets so mad that she can't. She is in the crunch position all the time. We tried the bumbo seat this week and she seems to like it. She continues to be a little angel.

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