A few weeks ago we went to the zoo with my best friend growing up (also named Melanie) and her little boy Owen. We had planed it a couple weeks in advance and sure enough, that morning we woke up to a little SNOW! We decided to brave the weather and go for it. We bundled up the kids and had a great time. It really wasn't that cold and we had the place to ourselves. It did make me miss the Omaha zoo. That place really was awesome and so close to our house. Charlotte and Owen had a great time. I think their favorite was the polar bear. He was pretty friendly. And the baby giraffe (three weeks old).
In September we took Charlotte to the Circus with my parents. I actually don't ever remember going to the circus. Honestly, I got a little bored by the end. Charlotte was a trooper and lasted the whole time...secretly I was hoping she would have a meltdown so we could leave :) I think you just have to be a kid to love it. It was kind of funny during intermission I was walking to get a drink thinking "ok, I'm ready to go" and a couple of girls - maybe 10ish- were talking next to me and one said "this is the best night of my life, I hope if never ends" I thought yeah it is a whole different experience for a kid. We did have a good time though and Charlotte was entertained. Of course grandma had to buy her an extremely overprice stuffed animal. Those vendors must make a killing...dirty badgers :)