How Cow!!!! Where has summer gone. Things have been very fun and busy but man it is flying by. Most days are superb but I would be lying if I didn't admit that certain days I miss my Omaha "family." I miss all of our amazing friends that were literally steps away from our front door and available day and night.
Charlotte and I are adjusting to actually driving places to see family and friends. Despite that, I am loving time at home with my little lady and cherish every second I get to spend with her. I never imagined she would be so perfect (I always promised myself that I would never be one of those annoying parents that thinks their kid is just flawless..but to me she is just perfect...I'm sure the terrible two's and the teenage years might change that so I will soak it up while I still think that).
So, as I said lots going on this summer. Shortly after we got home we spent the weekend with our amazing friends Bret and Carlee in Fountain Green. They just finished dental school and moved back to Utah as well and we couldn't be happier. Sooooooo glad we have them close again.
Charlotte after going to the fish hatchery. She had to much for one day.
Matt mowing the field with Sam on the "tractor". He LOVES doing chores in Fountain Green.
Pool party at aunt Christi's. We have a plethora of pool options this year which has been awesome!!Matt's sister just bought a house and has been good at throwing great pool parties.
Matt's first weekend after starting work. Enjoying the downtime :)
Matt's 28th birthday. He got a little surprise at work.
We had family over for an ice cream bar. I felt bad his birthday was kind of lame this year but he bought a giant tv and sound system right when we got back to Utah so that was all get got for his birthday and he just started work and was on call so we couldn't go anywhere. So, we just stuffed ourselves with ice cream and called it good.
HAPPY 4th of July. I'm glad she has grandmas to buy holiday themed outfits because they aren't my forte. But she looked so cute. Thanks Grandma for thinking of me!!
NOT her best picture but It makes me laugh every time I see it.
Spencer got ordained a deacon in July so I drove out with my parents and sister and brother-in-law to be there for it. We had a great time swimming and playing with cousins, exploring downtown Denver, and most of all supporting Spencer. So proud of that little guys. He was my buddy when he was just a little tyke. I can't believe he is already 12!
My sister's friend in Denver owns a horse training ranch so we took the kids over to play with the horses and ride the pony. I can't believe I am posting these pictures I look so was a million degrees and we were running around all day. Don't judge :)
So guess how much was this horse costs...yeah $55,000!!! I told Matt we should go into horse breeding :)
Swimming with cousins. Pam's pool is where we discovered how much Charlotte loves the water. When we got home we started using our pool a lot more.
Downtown Denver. We went to Coors Stadium, shopping, and walked around in the almost unbearable heat! Just looking at these pictures makes me hot.
She had enough for one day by the time we got back to the car.
My sister-in-law had a baby about seven weeks after I did so Charlotte has loved having her new cousin Mya to play with.
Dahlia and Lisa came to visit from Omaha. I was SO happy we got to see them while the were here. We managed a few girls shopping trips and days at the pool. I was so sad to see them go.
Charlotte and Ellie playing before we went swimming.
Recently Matt decided that he is going to become an expert fly fisherman (primarily due to the fact that he won't buy a boat until after residency and hates to fish from the shore). We decided to go up to Heber with our friends Jeremy and Stacy so Jeremy could show Matt a few things. The boys spent a few hours fishing...not catching.. and then we went out for some BBQ. I only took one picture but luckily it show Matt all decked out in his gear :)