Monday, August 15, 2011

Trip to Nauvoo

On our way to Columbus Ohio for Matt's externship we decided to spend the weekend in Nauvoo. It is such an amazing place and we had a great time. We were able to pack a lot into a couple of days.

Carriage ride through Nauvoo.

This was the Browning gun shop, one of many restored houses in Nauvoo.

Statues of Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith next to the temple.

Matt resting in our hotel room at Hotel Nauvoo after a long day.

The Trail of Hope memorial listing all the people that died before they reached Salt Lake.

Us standing in front of the temple after we went on the Trail of Hope.

Standing in front of the Mississippi River in the yard of Joseph and Emma Smith.

Graves of Joseph, Hyrum, and Emma Smith.

Matt standing on the Trail of Hope with the Temple in the background.

The Mississippi River

Sunday morning we went to Carthage Jail. This was my favorite part of the trip.

Trip to Utah

A great trip to Utah. We drove through Denver and stayed with my sister on the way out. The first weekend we stayed in Fountain Green for Lamb Day. We then spent the rest of the week hanging out with family. We stayed at our parents the whole trip and it was great to spend time with family and friends. Here are a few of the pictutes I took.

Hanging out in Fountain Green

The Lamb Day 5-K. Matt and my mom placed in their age group. Being pregnant and taking it easy my time doubled from last year...I was shocked I didn't get a ribbon.

I don't know why I think this picture is so great. The flags were almost to us and I guess Matt was the only one paying attention. It just looks funny to me to that he is the only one with his hand on his heart. He didn't find it as funny as I did.

A boating day, a must whenever we go home. First time in years I haven't wake boarded in the summer. Not a recommended form for exercise when prego. It was still fun to get out on the lake.

Bowling with the Matt's parents and nieces and nephew.